Peace counters culture.
You have to show up.
Everything is required of you.
Stress spills; anxiety looms.
Don’t pause.
Rest is only earned
After every task is completed.
Your worth lies in constant motion.
Rest later.
You aren’t doing enough.
Keep going. You have to be perfect.
The weight of striving suffocates.
But amid the dissonance is a steady whisper
That stills storms within, while the world rushes on–
A peace that surpasses all understanding,
Guarding your heart and your mind.
Perhaps rest isn’t the absence of activity,
But a trust for endurance through the trials–
That you could soar on wings like eagles,
Running without growing weary.
Perhaps peace isn’t found in perfect circumstances,
But in the joy of a sheep returning to its Shepherd’s plea–
Come to me,
And I will give you rest.
The Shepherd offers green pastures,
Where there are no expectations–
You are held, steady and sure
By the Shepherd who created peace.
Peace counters culture.
You get to show up, rest is offered to you.
By Emma Smith, Contributor
Emma Smith is a third-year student at Vanderbilt University, studying cognitive studies and child development. Originally from Clearwater, Florida, she enjoys the cooler weather and colorful fall leaves in Nashville.