Beauty is believing.
Beauty is bowing down.
Beauty is the weary-hearted.
Beauty is abandonment to His presence.
Beauty is blood poured from the Cross to our hearts today.
Beauty is breaking through the hard walls of our flesh to yield to Him.
Beauty bellyaches to the Lord, longing for His warmth in a cold Earth.
Beauty builds our spirits up in the expectation of His glory.
Beauty belongs to Him first, us second.
Daughter, I revealed Beauty to you on October 8, 2022. I revealed beauty to you in the form of brokenness. I broke you down in tears, in crying out from your feet, then to your hands and knees, then to your face. As you looked into my eyes, the light of my face streamed brilliant new life into yours, gardening your spirit with Mine [1]. As you were wailing for more of me, awestruck in the warmth of my Presence, I planted seeds alongside streams of living-Spirit waters in you [2]. As you cried out for me, I called forth new growth in you. Shhh, gently, beauty is becoming, free and unfettered, carefree in my care [3]. The naturally wild dances into something supernaturally wonderful. Shhh, the rhythms of my Being are deeply rooting in a mess, muddy yet redeemed.
Beloved, you are beautiful to me. In tears, in snot running out of your nose, in fetal
position on the floor, in sobs that steal your breath, in swollen eyes of tears and popped blood vessels reaching beyond your skin for my Sweetness. In your longing… In your clothing as my Daughter of Day dressed in love and faith and hope… [4] In the midst of your humanity, you are beautiful.
Beauty grows in you, beloved, because it flows from me, the Gardener. I’m right here, the Gardener of gifts: light, space, zest [5]. In the garden of your heart, new beauty awaits, reborn and rebuilt in incomprehensible ways. Beauty beholds you, beloved. Hold it back. Hold onto Me.
Beauty beckons in my Presence.
- Psalm 29:3 MSG
- John 7:38 MSG
- Luke 12:22-24 MSG
- 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8 MSG
- Psalm 27:1 MSG