The United States was no longer at war, but it didn’t feel like it. Red or blue, a sense of injustice prevailed across the electorate. National unity flagged. Protests persisted on college campuses. A war, thousands of miles away, captivated and divided a global audience. A new (and unexpected) president sat in the Oval Office […]
Graceful Steps for a Budding Romance
The modern relationship scene is fraught with restlessness. Even with advances in matchmaking prowess and ‘wingman’ support for relationships through AI, dating apps repeatedly disappoint their users [1]. In-person dating is also becoming ineffective as young adults lose hope of finding a suitable partner to match their expectations. An American Perspectives survey from The Survey […]
The Power of Thought: Transforming Negativity into Peace and Goodness
We spend every waking moment thinking. Although it is impossible to know exactly how many thoughts we have per day, some studies estimate it is over 6,000 [1]. Even more alarming is the fact that an estimated 80% of our thoughts are negative—that is 4,500 negative thoughts per day. Though most of these thoughts may […]
Growing into Childhood: The Peace of a Given Identity
“You’re a wizard, Harry.” “I’m a what?” gasped Harry. “A wizard, o’ course” [1]. There is little that compares to childlike wonder. Childlike wonder is not the wonder experienced at the edge of the Grand Canyon or staring into the open ocean—that sort is for adults too. The wonder of a child, as Harry discovered, is a […]
Loneliness in a Big World
Loneliness is a global epidemic, affecting people of all ages. Everyone will experience some type of loneliness during their lifetime, and in a world that seems more disconnected than ever, this loneliness is worsening. According to the American Psychological Association, loneliness is defined as “affective and cognitive discomfort or uneasiness from being or perceiving oneself […]
The Intention Behind Attention: Finding Focus in a Distracted World
Throughout the past two decades, researcher Gloria Mark, PhD, has observed a continuous decline in the human attention span [1]. In 2004, the average attention span was recorded at approximately 2.5 minutes. Only eight years later, it decreased to 1.25 minutes. In 2023, that number shrunk to a meager 47 seconds, less than a third […]