Hidden from others I feel unknownHiding I am deliberately unknownI long to be knownYet, in despair, I hide “I wish someone would just stand up and scream.” His head dropped, and with folded hands he turned to me. “You see,” he continued, “we’re all just passing by each other. Someone needs to wake us up—right?” […]
Falling Away From God: An Over-Rationalization
Having a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe is no small task. Like relationships between people, connecting with God takes a decent amount of work. Interpersonal connection takes effort to build something lasting and worthwhile for both parties. In many ways, most relationships are a sort of social or emotional trade. Being equals, […]
The Detour to Beauty
Henry David Thoreau was one of the most famous lovers of nature. Many of his works highlight his appreciation for the beauty of nature and the ways that it shapes his life and teaches him how to live. Thoreau said, “I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield […]
Come and Behold: The Strength You Didn’t Know You Have
Growing up, I was fairly high-achieving and spent much of my time outside of class reading books and engaging in personal development throughout high school. Elected to various leadership roles and heavily involved in an international business organization called DECA, I was thrilled to receive coaching from top industry executives and global innovators. To me, […]
3:01pm: Finding Grace and Beauty in Loss
At 7:31 pm on August 6th, 2021, I received a text that changed my life. At 3:01 pm on August 7th, 2021, my father passed away in a hospital over eight hundred miles from home. The nineteen hours between separating the two miraculously shined light on my darkest moment. This is the true story of […]
The Freedom of Futility
I have often dreamt of an alarming scene: it is of a sailor lost on the stormy seas frantically trying to turn the great vessel against the waves to keep it from turning over. It is, as one might expect, a scene of terrible anxiety that does not easily leave my mind. This sort of […]